Cedat 85 VoiceNoteVoiceNote allows you to store notes on your smartphone or tablet in an extremely simple and intuitive manner. It allows to dictate v
Cedat 85 VoiceNote
VoiceNote allows you to store notes on your smartphone or tablet in an extremely simple and intuitive manner. It allows to dictate voice notes in those contexts for which typing on keyboard can be awkward or inappropriate, and allows the sharing of notes via SMS, email and social networks (facebook, twitter).
Tested on Nexus One, Htc Desire-Wildfire-Sensation, Samsung Galaxy S-S2-Mini-Tab, LG Optimus Dual, Acer Iconia Tab
For bugs and comments please send an email to [email protected]
safe driving, hands free, speech to text, voice recognition, voice memo, voice note, safe memo, voice to email, voice to SMS, speech recognition, voice note, quick memo, reminder, todo, postit, post it